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End Of Life Care Service in Brighton & Hove.

Finding out you or a loved one are at the stage of end of life care, can be a very difficult and unsettled time however knowing that you have one less pressure of being able to receive the care you require in the safety and comfort of your own home can make this time a little easier.

Holding Hands

Our role

Our role at the Amaiva Care Group is to follow the individuals wishes, give them all the information required to make informed choices and work closely with the health care professionals involved to ensure if the individuals wishes are to stay at home, that the appropriate equipment, medication etc is in place. We support individuals and their loved ones and are honoured to be a part of fulfilling someone's wishes. 

Holding Hands

Additional resources

Below are some additional resources you may find helpful when dealing with the loss of someone. 

  • Find a step by step process of what to do when someone dies on the .GOV website.

  • Bereavement support on the Cruse website. Or call 0808 808 1677. 

  • Help with Grief after Bereavement on the NHS website.

  • Practical and emotional support for end of life from Macmillan cancer support. 

How can I get support with EOL Care in East Sussex?

Mobile phone

Contact us

Call or email to have a chat about your needs. Following that, we can discuss further how we could assist you. 

care Assessment being carried out


If you're interested in meeting us to go through your requirements in more detail, while learning more about our organisation, we can arrange a suitable time to come out to visit you and provide you with all the relevant information. 

Carer and serive user

Starting Service

If you decide to enlist the Amaiva Group, we will arrange a suitable date to commence and ensure you are fully happy with all information and details.

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