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Human Slavery & Trafficking Statement 


Amaiva Group is committed to ethical and responsible business practices. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity, respect, and fairness in all our operations. We recognise the gravity of the issues of slavery and human trafficking and are determined to play our part in eradicating these abuses from our business and supply chains.


Our Policies

Amaiva Group has implemented the following policies and practices to prevent slavery and human trafficking in all aspects of our operations:


Supplier Code of Conduct: We expect our suppliers to adhere to ethical standards that prohibit the use of forced labour, child labour, or any form of human trafficking.


Due Diligence: We conduct due diligence on our suppliers to ensure that they share our commitment to ethical business practices.


Employee Training: Our employees are educated about the risks of slavery and human trafficking, enabling them to recognise and report suspicious activity.


Reporting Mechanisms: We maintain clear and confidential channels for reporting any concerns related to slavery and human trafficking within our organisation.


Supply Chain

We take a risk-based approach to assess our supply chain for the presence of slavery and human trafficking. This assessment includes evaluating the geographic locations of our suppliers, the nature of the products or services provided, and any prior history of ethical or legal compliance.



We are committed to continuously evaluating and improving the effectiveness of our efforts to combat slavery and human trafficking. This includes ongoing monitoring, risk assessments, and regular reviews of our policies and procedures.



Amaiva Group will provide an annual statement on our website, demonstrating our commitment to transparency and compliance with slavery and human trafficking legislation.



We acknowledge our responsibility to combat slavery and human trafficking and understand that this is an ongoing process. Amaiva Group remains dedicated to fostering a culture of ethical business practices and will continue to work diligently to ensure that slavery and human trafficking have no place in our organisation or supply chains.


This statement is made in accordance with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending May 2025 pursuant to relevant legal requirements, and has been approved by Amaiva Care Group Ltd for the financial year ending May 2025.


Date written- 24/08/23

Reviewed- 24/08/24 - 15/01/25


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Home Care Services Brighton Covering Rottingdean, Saltdean, Peacehaven, Newhaven, Lewes & Seaford.

Telephone: 01273 359535

CQC Registered Domiciliary Care Agency.

Copyright: Amaiva Care Group Ltd 2025

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